Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Shepherd's Kindergarten Curriculum

2009-2010 School Year

1) Arithmetic

*Right Start Math Level B

2) History/Science

3) Language Arts

We've been working on the pre-req's for the Fast Track program over the summer...just a little each day. I am expecting us to complete the Fast Track in December, and plan on starting the 1st grade program in the spring of 2010.

4) Art

*Artistic Pursuits (An introduction to visual arts.) This curriculum builds on the fundamentals he learned at Sharing Tree last year in Enrichment class. He has already begun learning about many different artists...Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Eric Carle, ect. so I think this will be perfect for us this year!

5) Foreign Language

6) Bible

*Five in a Row (once a week morning bible study)

*CBS (community bible study) Homeschool program - study of Acts. His curriculum will follow along with mine and he will attend this class (along with other homeschool students ranging from kindergarten-3rd grade) every Thursday morning. It is a FABULOUS study and I'm so excited he'll get to participate!

*On top of that, we will be attending Wednesday night church and Sunday morning church services. There is also a bible curriculum that correlates with Hideaways in History, so he will be doing THAT portion of the bible study daily.

7) Physical Education

* Fall Baseball through OPAA (Orange Park Athletic Assocation)

*Winter Basketball through the Fleming Island YMCA.
*Spring Soccer through the Fleming Island YMCA.
8) Literature
Ambleside Online Year 0 Booklist.

We are so excited to embark on this new journey with Shepherd! I would have laughed if someone would have told me that I would be homeschooling in 2009 (on top of having a newborn!), but God works in mysterious ways and this is his plan for our family this year.

My plan is to teach Shepherd 4 days per week, and allow the 5th day for CBS (Community Bible Study) as well as running errands. We will also have regular play-dates and field trips with a local Fleming Island COOP, AND will be attending Chapel once monthly with this COOP.